About Mystic Haven

Mystic Heaven is a versatile multi-purpose server!
Wouldn't you like to experience firsthand its personality and deepen your understanding of yourself and others?
Thanks to all of you, Mystic Heaven has become the number one MBTI server in Japan in terms of uptime and population!

Active every day
We are actively chatting and interacting on a wide range of topics in peace
Various topics
We can talk about MBTI, philosophy, Japanese language, etc.
You can share your skills in the creation, promotion, AI, and work call channels.

Participation Procedure

  • Join Mystic Haven by clicking this link.
  • You will receive a DM from our staff and we will interview you on the phone for about 5 minutes.
  • Once the interview is completed and the role is granted, you may successfully participate.
  • Main Members

    Let me introduce you to the staff and people involved in running this server.

    Role: General Mediator/Owner.
    Hobbies: Software engineering, web system creation, AI, server operation, leather craft.
    南条莉里(Nanjo Risato)
    Role: Administration Member.
    Hobbies: Programming.
    Role: Interviewer.
    Hobbies: AI image generation, work calls, server operation.